Todays Daily Tone Up 1/3/22

Warm Up with 5-7 minutes of light cardio and stretching

Alternating Reverse lunge with a hammer curl x 10 per leg
Swing to rack squat overhead press x 10
skater jumps x 40
popeye curls x 10 per am
Mtn climbers x 50
repeat x 3

Full moon x 10
KB swing (use a dumbbell if needed ) x 15
Lateral raises x 10
Single leg hop right leg x 10
single leg hop left leg x 10
Repeat x 3

Overhead tricep extensions with a single dumbbell x 10
Squat jumps with an alternating hand tap x 20
Side lunge single arm press left x 10
side lunge single arm press right x 10
Around the world hops x 10

Repeat x 3