Warm Up light cardio and stretching
Leg Day
Loaded Squats Light weight x 15, Medium weight x 12, heavy weight x 10
Split squat left light weight x 15
Single leg hop x 15
Split squat right light weight x 15
Single leg hop x 15
Repeat two additional times going up in weight and down in reps
Reverse lunge ladder 1-10 (right)
Reverse lunge ladder 1-10 (left)
Glute press x 10
Bear jacks x 10
Repeat x 3
Side lunge single leg RDL x 10 (left)
Side lunge single leg RDL x 10 (right)
Squat with alternating single arm press x 12
Sumo squat x15
sumo squat jump (no weight) x 15
Repeat x 3