Answers to your most common gym questions

Going to the gym for the first time or starting a workout routine can be scary and intimidating. Most people have so many questions and don’t know where to start.

  • What kind of exercises should I be doing?
  • How long do I need to work out?
  • How long will it take to see results?

Today I’m answering some of the most commonly googled questions!

What is the best time of the day to work out? There are many theories about what time of day is best for your metabolism and will maximize fat burning… But I say whatever time suits you the best! If you hate waking up early, maybe after work is the time for you. If you have a busy social or family life, evening workouts may not be best for you. Waking up an hour early every morning could be the best time to get your heart pumping. Maybe you have a dedicated lunch break that you could use as time to work out. There is no right or wrong answer to this question.

How long should a workout be?  A general rule of thumb is to move your body for 30 minutes a day.  This could also depend on your schedule and how much time you have to commit every day. A 20-minute HITT workout can be just as effective as a 45 minute or hour-long workout. You just need to be consistent in making time!

How often should I exercise? This depends on the exercise you are doing. If you are doing something easier on your body like a swim or a walk you could easily make this a daily workout. If you are doing something more strenuous like weight lifting or intense cardio you don’t need to workout 7 days a week to see results. Overtraining with no rest can put you at risk for injury. Training 3-5 times a week while adding a more gentle exercise like yoga or a walk on the other days is a great way to achieve your results.

How often should I change my gym routine? You should change things up when you feel your motivation starting to lag or depending on how often you are working out. Every 4-6 weeks is usually good to keep continuing to see results. Fitness challenges and charity runs are a great way to change up your workout because it gives you a renewed purpose in your fitness journey!

How do I stay motivated in the gym? Setting achievable goals is a great way to stay motivated! These goals could not only range from noticeable changes in your appearance but also the amount of weight you can lift or even recording the distance and time you are running. As mentioned before changing up your routine can also help keep you motivated!

How do I build up my strength? Lifting weight where your muscles have to work to resist force is honestly the best way to increase your strength. Bodyweight exercises, bikes, rowing, and resistance bands can also help you get stronger without needing access to heavy weights.

How long should I wait before lifting heavier weights? The answer to this question is found by listening to your body! Generally, when lifting seems to get easy and doesn’t tire you out, it is time to go heavier. You could also increase the number of reps if you don’t want or have access to heavier weights.

What should I do to lose weight fast? HITT workouts are great to burn fat and they boost your metabolism and encourage fat burning. And cardio paired with strength training will have your muscles burning more calories! But you can’t just rely on the gym. You need to pair your workout with a healthy well-balanced diet, plenty of water, and plenty of good sleep.

How long does it take to see results? Every day that you put in the time to move your body and workout you will have a positive feeling that will eventually start leading to results that you can feel within the first few weeks. Depending on your consistency and diet you should start seeing visible changes within the first six weeks. If you are wanting a major transformation you probably need to give yourself 6-12 months to achieve those goals. Trying to achieve drastic change in a short period of time is unsustainable and will lead to you stopping your workouts and can affect your mental health. Set short achievable goals and not only will you feel great but you will notice results too!