10 Things to look for in a Personal Trainer

Selecting a Personal Trainer

In my opinion the fitness industry has to be the most saturated industry ….ever! With Boutique gyms, private studios, personal trainers, and fitness instructors on every corner. How on earth do you tell the difference between a good one, a great one, and the one you should stay away from.

Here are 10 Things to Look for in a Personal Trainer:

  1. They are friendly, warm, and welcoming! (walking into a new gym or fitness facility for the first time can be both intimidating and scary! A good trainer will know that and be welcoming and personable to help ease the tension)
  2. They screen you before your session. This one is a MUST! A good trainer will always ask if you have had any previous injuries or any medical conditions they should be aware of, as well as ask you about your goals and what you would like to accomplish with your training. Weight loss, build muscle, etc…..
  3. They offer modifications if needed! A good trainer will NEVER have you do an exercise that you are uncomfortable with or unable to do, due to a previous injury.
  4. A good trainer will always keep an eye on and correct your form. I always tell my clients “no bad reps” Quality is much more important than quantity. There is no shame in dropping down in weight in order to protect your form.
  5. The workout should be focused on you and your goals!
  6. They always share information that will help you along your fitness journey. (I.e drinking plenty of water and amino acids can help your muscles recover faster)
  7. Your trainer should always demonstrate the exercise (with GOOD FORM) at least once or twice before expecting you to do it properly.
  8. Your workout should have some sort of structure and start with a warm up, whether its timed circuits, or supersets with a certain number of Reps all workouts should have a format.
  9. They check in on you outside of the GYM. A good trainer will want to cultivate a real relationship with you, and check in on you even on your off days to make sure you have recovered well and to help keep you on track throughout your fitness journey.
  10. Last but not least they should be knowledgeable above all else. There are so many “fitness influencers” out there will hundreds of thousands of followers and six pack abs. However just because ” they look the part” doesn’t mean they are for you!!