Todays Daily Tone Up 1/25/22

Warm Up with light stretching and light cardio for 5-10 min

Up and over squats x 10 per side
Plank to bear jump in step out x 10
Frog jump up 2 jacks back
RDL upright row x 10
Alternating step backs w/ pulse

x 3

Plank rocks x 30
Kneeling arnold press x 10
Front lunge glute kick x 10 (left leg)
Front lunge glute kick x 10 (right leg)
Single leg hop x 10 (right)
Single leg hop x 10 (left)

x 3

Alternating loaded squat RDL x 10 sets
Squat/ snatch x 10 (left)
squat/snatch x 10 (right)
Side plank thread the needle left side x 10
side plank thread the needle left side x 10
Tricep dips x10
