What and how much should I eat?

If I had a dollar for every time I was asked that question, I could pay off my house. To keep it simple I like to think of a grocery store as a big box. When grocery shopping stay as close to the lines of the box as much as you can. That were the “healthy” stuff will be. Think raw fruits, veggies, and meats. The “middle” of the box is where all the processed unhealthy food will be. Stay away from there.

The how much should you eat? Is once again different for every person depending on age, gender, weight, activity level, ect. Once again there are a few rules that can help along the way.
1. It doesn’t matter if you eat 4 small meals a day or 2 larger ones. It comes down to calories in vs. calories out

2. Try not to eat after 7. There are many conflicting studies on this topic. However it is just a good rule of thumb to give your body time to reset itself each and every night.


4. Cut back on the wine ladies. Wine is literally fermented sugar water. There I said it. Goes straight to the gut and the hips, so lay off of it5. Think of food as fuel for your body, not as a temporary sweet tooth fix for you. Want a good output, gotta put in the good stuff first.LASTLY……

6. Use your brain, no one looks at a plate of pasta and thinks its good for them…they think its going to taste good to them! Know and recognize the difference