A little Gratitude Goes A long Way

What would happen if we all started appreciating the things around us. If we all could focus on the things we have in life instead of what we don’t have. How would our world look different? The expression of gratitude is always an important habit to get into, but it is especially important in seasons of chaos. When life seems out of sorts and totally off balance it becomes easier to focus on all that is going wrong over what is going right. These days you cannot turn on the TV without being blasted about everything that is going wrong in our world. No wonder depression and anxiety are at an all time high! Guys turn it off! I’m not telling you to not watch Television, I’m telling you to be careful what thoughts you allow into your head.

This is why I use a gratitude journal.

With all the craziness going on in the world I want to encourage you to shift your mindset, and include gratitude in your morning routine. When you start your day with hand written “thankfuls” you will immediately feel more joy and positivity. In 2019 Harvard University did a study on 100 individuals who practiced gratitude vs. 100 that did not. Their findings were this…. those who were more grateful had:

* better physical health
* better mental health
* more empathy and less aggression
* better self esteem
* more mental toughness
* healthier relationship